Monday, June 25, 2012

Featured Ministry: Amazima Ministries- Prt. 6

Hello, beautiful people! How would you feel if spent today talking about a group of beautiful women?

Vocational Projects:

Imagine you are a mom living in the slums of Masese. Your child is dirty, hungry, and sick. Recognizing your helplessness, you double over with heartbreak. You would give your life to make your baby well. Your options? Prostitution. Rumage through the slums. Brew alcohol. With these options, your life and the life of your family is on the line. What would you do? What would I do? (Vocational Projects)

Most likely we will never have those three options standing between us and a healthy child, but it is a grim reality for many families in Uganda. Women, living and breathing women, in slums know all too well that heartbreak. The women of Masese have known the pain of a lose-lose situation. They now know hope through the hands of Amazima. If you have been reading here this month, you know Amazima orchestrates beautiful happenings in the name of Jesus Christ. Did you know that Amazima has waded knee deep in the hurt, and has offered a respectful way for the women of Masese to provide for their families. Go to Amazima's website and on the front page you will see beautiful beaded necklaces made by the strong hands of the Masese women. Through the sales of necklaces the women are able to do something for their hungry and sick families. The project also allows the women to learn money management and spiritual discipleship (Vocational Projects). I know it's all too much!

Amazima says it best: Your support of Amazima's vocational programs builds entrepreneurship, restores dignity, and empowers the Ugandan people to work their own way out of poverty (Vocational Projects).
What do you say we do what we can to help! Remember that 10% of the profit made from our "Featured Item" this month goes to help Amazima. You can also click here to learn more about how you can help the women of Masese.

Be sure to check out Amazima Ministries online!

Enjoy your Day!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Featured Ministry: Amazima Ministries- Prt 5

Well howdy there! (Trying a new greeting. And I failed.) Redo:

Good Morning! Better?{ I'm going to come up with a clever new greeting. You just give me some time.}We're moving on to part five of Amazima Ministries. You love them, right? Me too.

Community Outreach:

Saturday mornings the children of Amazima's sponsorhip program gather around the "pavilion" to eat, study the Word, and to have fun with each other. It's a day of being a kid for kids who rarely get to soak up that role. Ugandan men are hired by Amazima to lead and to be positive role models for the kids each saturday. Amazima not only giving the kids opportunity, but adults as well. They long to see things change for the people of Uganda. And we get to "see" their heart as we learn about the amazing ways they are equipting the very heart-beat of Uganda- their people (Community Outreach)

Please visit their website here to see for yourself!

Enjoy your day!


Friday, June 15, 2012

Featured Ministry: Amazima Ministries- Prt. 4

How about those lovely kiddos from yesterday? Beautiful aren't they? I love that their futures are brighter because of the work of Amazima Minitries, along with and through people like you. They are not the only ones who benefit from Amazima. I'll let you hear more from the folks at Amazima:

Amazima has fallen in love with the slum community of Masese. We serve the people in Masese through feeding, vocational programs, Bible studies, low cost/free healthcare, HIV management and testing, malnutrition rehabilitation, and community service (Mases Outreach)

Mases Outreach:

Did you catch each of the amazing things listed above? They meet the people of Mases in their need with practical help- help for their physical and spiritual lives. Daily, Monday thru Friday, the orphans of Mases (1,600+) are fed through Amazima's feed program. Can we really grasp the magnitude of kids they feed on a daily basis? The children are fed on the school grounds. Not only are they fed, but every week they're able to take a plate of food home for their caregiver.

Another way Amazima reaches the people of Mases is through their vocational outreach. Through selling beads, women are able to provide for their families. You can click here to read more. Amazima provides for physical needs, but also gives the people the opportunity to provide for themselves.

That's food and vocational help, but there's more! The people are malnourished and disease ridden. Once every week, Amazima provides clinics for screenings and medical help, meeting their immediate and long-term physical needs.

Of course, I've only hit on a small portion of the outreach in Mases. Really, guys, it's amazing work! Please check it all out here- learn about how Katie is involved in all that goes on, read about "Nets not Caskets", and about Bible Studies held in Mases.

All this information can be found under Mases Outreach tab that is under the What We Do tab

Enjoy your day!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Featured Ministry: Amazima Ministries- Prt. 3

Good Morning! Where ever you are today, remember you will only live this day once. Live it well!

Find this picture here


This, friends, is just a glimpse of the faces of the sweet kids who are sponsored through Amazima Ministries. Beautiful faces. There are over five hundred kids sponsored through Amazima (Sponsorship). In the words of Amazima, A sponsorship through Amazima educates, nourishes, and changes the hearts of orphaned and vulnerable children (Sponsorship). They do that through...

• Education at a Christian school
• School supplies
• School uniform
• 3 meals a day
• Medical care
• Christian discipleship
Spiritual growth activities for their families and/or guardians (Sponsorship)

For the kids of Uganda this is a very big, and life changing, deal. Are you interested in Sponsoring a child through Amazima? Just click here to start today!

Thanks for reading and for your support of the ministries featured here! To go to Amazima Ministries website click here.

Enjoy your day!


Monday, June 4, 2012

Featured Ministry: Amazima- Prt. 2

Good morning, friends! I hope that you are having a lovely morning. It's part two of Amazima Ministries! I love introducing a new ministry. My prayer is that you guys would get as excited about these ministries as I am, and that you would partner with me in praying for them throughout each month. 

Amazima (uh-mahz-i-muh) means "truth." The beautiful people at Amazima hold up truth everyday to the Ugandan people they reach. It's a beautiful thing.


Amazima Ministries was founded by a spunky 19 year old in 2009. With arms wide open to love, Katie left a home she knew and loved to embrace a people she would come to know and love. Under Katie's leadership Amazima, has reached hundreds with continuing success. They've loved, provided for, and witnessed to. "Truth", indeed. On their website here, they list five ways they help the people of Uganda.

- Education Sponsorship
- Masese Outreach
- Community Outreach
- Vocational Projects
- Discipleship (History)

Over the next Featured Ministry posts, we'll be looking at each one of these ways more closely. Exciting, right? Now, why don't you mosey on over Amazima's Website!

Enjoy your day!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Featured Ministry: Amazima Ministries- Prt. 1

Happy June! This month we will welcome summer. Okay, maybe just us folks who love fun in the sun will be celebrating. Hopefully, will be over many good days in the sun this June. For you winter-lovin' people, hang in there. Summer will not last forever. Since the calendar has rolled around to June, today we are introducing our Featured Ministry for this month.

Are you ready?

....Imagine that drum roll for me....

Amazima Ministries

Eek. So Exciting.

You may have heard of this amazing ministry before (Does the book Kisses from Katie ring a bell?) or maybe not. It really doesn't matter because I've got you covered! This month we will talk all about Katie Davis and the wonderful things that Amazima Ministries does in Uganda Africa.

To get a head start, visit Amazima Ministries today!

Enjoy your day!


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 8

Well, we're wrapping it up with Freedom Firm, y'all. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know the heart of Freedom Firm. Today, I want to remind you guys that the ministries we feature here need our prayers and support. There are many ways to get involved in a local and international way.

Get Involved:

There's a tab for that. Freedom Firm would love your support of their work. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

- Pray
- Donate
- Volunteer
- Join the Freedom Firm Team
- Organize an Event
- Organize a Benefit Concert (Get Involved)

When you visit the Get Involved tab right here, you can click on each of the ways listed above to learn more. While you're there, you could also, if you like, subscribe to receive their Real Time Updates and I Witness emails. It's a great way to stay up to date with everything going on with Freedom Firm.

Well, now we say, "So long, May" and "Hello, June".

To Freedom Firm: Thank you for all you do!

Enjoy your day!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 7

Good Monday morning to you, Mates!

 A Movie? Yes IndeedHorse and Rider:

The film is called Horse and Rider. It features two women, Asha and Mangala, who were a part of Freedom Firm's aftercare program (Horse and Rider (About)). The clip above is a brief look into this inspiring film. I can't wait to see it!

The film is available for pre-order on the Horse and Rider website. Check 'em out!

Enjoy your day!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 6

Good morning, friends! We are more than half way through the month and the work week, which means May is flying by so fast that I can't keep up. Soon it will be June, but not yet. We are still celebrating the amazing things done by Freedom Firm. I hope that you have enjoyed following Freedom Firm this month. I'm crazy about the amazing things they do. You too?

Well then, let's keep this show going.

Horse Assisted Activities:

Sounds neat, right? Well, it is. Freedom Firm uses horses, through a program called Leg Up, to help the girls during their healing process post rescue. In their own words: Situated in the mountains of southern India, we take advantage of both the beauty of God’s creation and the unique social and emotional instincts of horses to provide opportunities for healing in a hands-on setting (Horse Assisted Activities).

What are these activities?

- Horsemanship
- Equine Rehabilitation
-Assistance with riding for children with disabilities (Horse Assisted Activities)

The horses give the girls an activity to focus on and grow through. If you want to learn more about Leg Up, go to here!

As always, feel free to mosey on over to Freedom Firm's Website.

Enjoy your day!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 5

Hello, Friends!

Today were one part five of our little adventure with Freedom Firm. This day is the one where we talk about how justice is served. One of my favorite Bible verses is Micah 6:8. In fact, it is the theme verse for Lady Belle's. It says, He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). These three things are underlying themes of my life, and the theme of justice is one I see in Freedom Firm's work, which makes me very excited.


After the girls are rescued, the job is not yet finished. Freedom Firm is not satisfied to simply remove the young girls. Justice must be served before Freedom Firm's job is done. They have lawyers that work on the behalf of the girls to see that their perpetrators are prosecuted. In court, the girls are able to testify against the men who held them captive, leading to greater healing.  Justice not only brings healing, but leads to the end of human trafficking. (Justice).

Ah it's such a beautiful thing!

So, you know what I want you to do...Visit Freedom Firm to learn more. ;)

Enjoy your day!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt 4

Good, Beautiful Morning!

We're already on Part 4, and we're going strong. I hope you are learning lots. Now, on to restoration!


Once a raid has been made successfully, restoration begins. First, the minor girl is placed with her government, while investigations continue, and she is monitored by social workers with Freedom Firm. The young girl's, mental, physical, and emotional needs are met by social workers, as they work to help the girls heal toward a sense of self-worth and identity. The goal is to help the girls become self-reliant and restored to health (Restoration).

Freedom Firm has an eighteen month program for the young girls, who have been rescued, to help them with the healing process. Again, the goal is to health the women to become self-reliant. Part of that process is giving the girls the tools they need to take care of themselves and to live healthy lives after such traumatic circumstances.

Amazing, right?

Check out their site: Freedom Firm. Seriously!

Enjoy your day!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 3

There are 500,000 women that need rescuing (The Need) in India. We saw that last time. Sad, right? Well, that's why organizations like Freedom Firm exists, to fight the evil that is sex trafficking. Their persistence, determination, and faith keeps Freedom Firm in forward motion on the field. I love them for it, and I hope we can send them a nice donation at the end of the month. *hint hint*


Freedom Firm has a wonderful team of investigators. These investigators use their skills (and hidden cameras) to scope out the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka, both of which are sex trafficking hot spots. Once pimps, minors, and brothels have been located, the Freedom Firm team along with local police make a raid and rescue the young girls. After a raid is made, some girls are transported to a safe house, but we'll talk about that a little later (Rescue). If you have are a Facebook fan, you probably saw last week's status about a raid that was instigated and a rescue that was made. Pretty great stuff. We will keep posting "missions accomplished" as they happen all month

Check 'em out: Freedom Firm!

Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 2

Good Afternoon! We are on our Part two of Freedom Firm's installments on the blog. This is exciting stuff, folks, but I want you to be aware that this is hard. As you can see from their website, there is a need for restoration and healing in the hearts of India's women. Let's jump in and learn everything we can about this amazing organization.

The Need:

Currently, there are an estimated 500,000 minor girls in forced prostitution in India. These girls are tricked by false promises of a good job or sold by a relative into a brothel and then held as sexual slaves, who are then coerced into sex with many clients each day (The Need).

Do not overlook that number- 500,000 girls. It's sick, sick fact, but Freedom Firm is doing a beautiful job of fighting for these girls. Freedom Firm will tell you that the girls need rescuing, supporting, counseling, educating, and training (The Need). As the month progresses, you will learn how Freedom Firm meets each of the needs, and how we can get involved.

Next time we will talk about the rescue.

Let's celebrate the amazing work Freedom Firm does every day. You can do that by visiting their website this week.

Enjoy your day!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 1

Happy May!

I hope you are having a great start to a new month. New months and years are my favorite. I love the "newness" of it all. New weeks are a different story. There is something about Mondays that makes me want to sleep a little later, but I'm trying to learn to embrace the inevitable "Monday". Now, enough with the rambling. It's announcement time! Remember that 10% of the profit made from our "Featured Items", which are labled as such on Etsy, for April will go to this particular ministry. Please, help us help them.We have a new Featured Ministry for you to get excited about. Without further adieu, our Featured Ministry for May is...

wait for it...

Freedom Firm

Oh how I love Freedom Firm, and I know you will share my love for them as you learn more this month. They are an organization that fights for the freedom of ladies trapped as sexual slaves in India. They are wonderful, and I can't wait to tell you all about them.

Remember check back often to stay up to date. You can follow us here or by email. As with each Featured Ministry, we encourage you to visit Freedom Firm on your own time. You know, do a little exploring.

Enjoy your day!


He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Featured Minitry: Mission Arlington- Prt.8

Good Morning! It's the last day of April and the last day of having Mission Arlington as our featured Ministry. Sad day. Of course that does not mean that we will no longer keep up with Mission Arlington. I hope that also does not mean that you will no longer stay up to date on all the happenings at Mission Arlington. It's been an honor to be able to promote a ministry that faithfully lives Micah 6:8, our own mission.

Now that we covered many of the great things Mission Arlington has to offer, I know you are dying to know how you can get involved. At least, I hope that's what you are thinking. I've grown to love Mission Arlington even more as I have researched their ministry for this month's "Featured Ministry". What's not to love? Since we love them so much, here is how you can help:

Join In:

The folks at Mission Arlington would quickly tell you they are not a one man organization. They are a team of faculty, volunteers, and interns working hard for the Kingdom of God, which no one person can do alone. By clicking the "join in" tab on their website, you can find ways to get involved, whether you are near or far.

- Daily Mission Updates
- Prayer Partners
- Newsletters
- Mission Trips
- Summer Missionaries
- Take a Tour
- Become a Volunteer
- Bring your group (Join In)

Yeah, I know- "wow". I don't know if any of the ideas on this list interest you, but we should all be willing to say a prayer for others who are ministering in the name of Jesus Christ. There are battles that they face, which we know nothing of, but that are there all the same. So, my challenge to you guys is for you to simply say a prayer for the ministry of Mission Arlington. There is nothing that will help them more. If you would like to get involved in any other fashion, I am sure that Mission Arlington would welcome you with smiling faces. I just get this feeling that that's how the they do ministry.

To Mission Arlington: Thank you for all you do!

Enjoy your day!

April Showers,

Friday, April 27, 2012

Featured Ministry: Mission Arlington- Prt 7.

Hi there! It's a gloriously warm day here, and it's Friday. In case no one else tells you today, "Happy Friday!". Now, on to business...

Do you love resources as much as I do? How about if said "resources" are free and from a great, credible source. Even better, right? I think so too. Guess what? Mission Arlington understands that, and they understand that people need others who have been where they are to share their wealth of knowleddge.


As I continue to explore Mission Arlington's website, I learn more and more how helpful they are. Mission Arlington ministers to people's need, and they also equip others to minister to people's needs in their own communities. I mentioned that Mission Arlington writes their own curriculum that they have available for others to download, which is wonderful. Click on the "resources" link, and you'll find that that's not all they do for other ministries.

Supporting you as you follow God's call:

In their own words, here is what you will find:

In this section we offer resources which we hope will be helpful.  Practitioners and leaders in the fields of Multihousing Missions, Apartment Ministry, Community Ministry, Church Planting, and Evangelism may find some support in these pages. Click on the Navigation bars at the top and to the right in order to get started (Supporting you as you follow God's Call).

Now, you are wondering what's listed on the Navigation bars. Am I right?

  • Annual Conference

  • Getting Started

  • Giving Leadership (here)

  • From this list you will find more Navigation bars to the top right, but I'll let you see that for yourself. 

    You. Will. Not. Regret. It. (That is if you need such resources, or you would just find that sort of thing interesting)

    So, why are you still reading this? Go to Mission Arlington website!

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Wednesday, April 25, 2012

    Why Create for Hope?

    He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness (mercy), and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).

    Why do we create for hope?

    We desire to see ministries, who are working for the Kingdom, flourish in their plans. As they do justly, as they love mercy, and as the walk with God, we want to come along beside them. Ultimately, their work does not need us to thrive. We realize that, but how rewarding to come on the journey with them as encouragement, and support.

    I like to think of our shop/ministry as each "Featured Ministry's" personal cheerleaders. While each ministry is being featured at Lady Belle's, we are determined to shout from the rooftops how great they are. Don't misunderstand our cheers as simply flattery, or an act to make sales. Each ministry is chosen personally by us. We believe in the ministry they do on a daily basis. Our hope is that you will cheer for them and believe in them too. If by the end of the month we can send a nice donation, do a little cheering, and make a difference, we are happy.

    It's our pleasure and honor to use our resources for His Kingdom work. It's a joy to create every day for a living and as a ministry.

    As you read each post, please be mindful that the ministries featured here are ministries doing the work of the Lord. Be praying  that God would work through their willing vessels, and that He would bless their work according to His will.

    As always, I'm grateful for you!

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    Featured Ministy: Mission Arlington- Prt 6.

    Good Monday morning! I know it's the dreaded Monday, but make today better than typical. In the process of living your Monday well, check out how Mission Arlington helps in crisis situations for the people of Arlington Tx.

    Crisis Intervention:

    If you want to talk about crisis intervention, and what that should look like in helping people in their day to day, look at the model of Mission Arlington.

    - Financial Help
    - Food, Home, and Personal needs
       - Clothing Room
       - Furniture and Appliances
       - Household Items
       - Computers
       - Automobiles
       - Gasoline Vouchers
       - Bicycles
    - Identification and Legal Aid
    -Day Shelter (The Ministry of Crisis Intervention)

    Mission Arlington makes it possible for people to get back on their feet, even with seemingly impossible circumstances. They have services that provide cars, gasoline vouches, furniture, and shelter. Their efforts help people get jobs, along with keeping jobs. Imagine a dad who has lost his job, but can't afford to job hunt because of sky-rocketing gas prices. What would a gasoline voucher mean for that man and his family? It would mean a lot. Am I right?

    Okay, start your exploring (here)!

    One last thing, I have to give a shout out to the amazing volunteers at Mission Arlington- you are doing an amazing job!

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Thursday, April 19, 2012

    Featured Ministries: Mission Arlington- Prt. 5

    Spiritual Help:

    We've already determined that Mission Arlington does a fantastic job of ministering to the physical needs of their community. What about their spiritual health? Would you be surprised if I told you their great at that too? Yeah, I didn't think so.

    - Bible Studies
    - Congregations
    - Curriculum
    - Internships
    - Prayer
    - Prayer Garden
    - Revivals
    - Training (Nourishment for the Spiritual Journey)

    If Mission Arlington offers people food and clothing, but doesn’t help connect them to Christ, then we have missed the very best gift we have to offer (Prayer).

    There are plenty of opportunities for spiritual growth at Mission Arlington.

    Want to be a part of a Bible study or a congregation ? They've got you covered!

    Are you looking for a place to intern? They have internships!

    Do you need prayer? They would love to pray for you!

    Is you church or small group in need of curriculum? Wait for it...They write their own, that you can download for free!

    Super great stuff!

    Now, go check 'em out-- Spiritual Help.

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Tuesday, April 17, 2012

    Are You A Creative?

    To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted ~ George Kneller

    Dark Blue, Teal Green and Purple Yarn Wreath Purple Willow Wreath with Orchids Yellow and Purple Wreath Grapevine with Hydrangeas and caged bird

    I never put myself in the creative category, and neither did anyone else. To be a creative, you actually had to do something creative. That did not define me. In fact, I told everyone I was not creative. I can't paint- I can't draw- I can't create was my motto. It's not that I didn't want to be creative. I did. I simply did not have a painting or drawing ability, and honestly, I did not have much patience to practice. One day I picked up blogging, and I realized I liked creatively putting words together. I begin to look at the world differently- myself differently. Letting go of the "I can'ts" and "I'm nots", I explored creative avenues I enjoyed. Now, here I am running a creative business.

    I love this little adventure called, life. God leads in so many ways that are unexpected. He gives me eyes to see His world "afresh", as Kneller puts it. I'm thankful for this new opportunity. I'm excited about eyes to see and creativity coming from my own finger tips (finally).

    Thank you for reading here and for supporting Lady Belles!

    Enjoy your day!


    Monday, April 16, 2012

    Featured Items: Mission Arlington- Prt. 4


    Oh, I believe so much in ministries reaching out to provide health care for low income families. As a member of a family that has suffered the ill effects of a fallen economy, I am particularly grateful to Mission Arlington for way they minister through health care.

    Folks, Mission Arlington provides for Dental, Medical, and Pyschological needs. Take a look:

    - Allan Saxe Dental Clinic
    - Dr. Bob Mann Medical Clinic
    - Counseling Services
    - Personal Medical Clinic (Health Care Ministries)

    I'm going to break away from normal for a second and give you a little more details about one particular aspect of Mission Arlington's health care ministries that excites me. I know, I would typically say I want you to visit the website yourself, but this aspect is just so cool. See listed above, "Personal Medical Clinic"? Mission Arlington loans out medical equipment to those who would be unable to afford them otherwise. There is no cost involved and the equipment does not have to be returned until it is no longer needed. That's great, right? With the price of medical equipment, I am sure many people are blessed by getting the equipment they need on loan.

    Are you impressed yet?

    Please pray for Mission Arlington. They are being the hands and feet of Jesus on a daily basis. Pray that they would be strengthened as they pour out their resources for those who need it the most.

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Friday, April 13, 2012

    Featured Item: Pink and Cream Grapevine

    Featured Item!

    Pink and Cream Grapevine- Featured Item

    Remember this month as you shop that 10% of the profit made on April's Featured Items will go directly to Mission Arlington. Our Pink and Cream Grapevine is our first Featured Item for this month. As soon as it sells, we will post our next Featured Item with all proceeds going to Mission Arlington until the end of April.

    Speaking of Mission Arlington, aren't they wonderful? I have enjoyed learning about their ministry, and I hope you will too. They are a worthy cause. We are honored to be able to serve them in this way. Please visit their web page, and Facebook Fanpage.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Featured Ministry: Mission Arlington- Prt. 3

    The next few posts will cover Mission Arlington's services because it will take several (yes, emphasis here) days, and the info may still be lacking. But you know where to find them, right? **Here**

    Children and Youth:

    The children of our community are our future, and Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex is serious about ensuring they have all the tools they need for their education as well as maintaining their physical and spiritual health (Services for Children and Youth)

    And boy do they:

    -After-school programs
    -School Supplies
    -Sports (Children and Youth)

    I am beyond impressed with the programs they have in place for the children and youth in their community. In fact, they recently held a huge Easter Egg Hunt. I'm not sure what their numbers were this year, but they were gearing up to accomadate for 2011's 5,000 kids. I know, "woah". The love they are showing the children of Arlington Texas will be far reaching- I'm sure of it. That community will taste those benefits for generations.

    As per usual, please don't take my word for it. Visit Mission Arlington's website to see the ways they are being the hands and feet of Jesus in Arlington. You can click here to go directly to their Children and Youth page.

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Thursday, April 12, 2012

    Featured Ministry: Mission Arlington- Prt. 2


    Mission Arlington is more a movement than a strategy, more a spirit than a structure, more like a family than an organization. It’s not about religion, and it is as much about God as it is about people (The Spirit of Mission Arlington, para 1).

    Mission Arlington is true to their word- they are all about God and serving His people with there time and resources. The way they serve people is a humbling thing to observe. I catch myself examining my life a little more closely after visiting their website.

    If you do a little exploring on the Mission Arlington website,  as in you look under the "Mission" tab, you'll find a list of their commitments to "you". Or you could click here to find them.

    Okay, here they are, but you'll have to click the link above to read the description of each one. *wink*

    1) Servant Leadership
    2) A Dedication to Prayer
    3) Meeting Physical Needs in Jesus' Name
    4) The Bible as a Foundation For Ministry
    5) Love For All People (Our Commitments)

    Pretty great, right?

    Yes indeed!

    Stay tuned- next we'll see what exactly it is that Mission Arlington does.

    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    Featured Ministry: Mission Arlington- Prt. 1

    Happy April!

    I hope you are excited about this new day. No worries, if you're not, I have enough excitement for both of us. Today, I have the privilege of introducing you to our "Featured Ministry" for the month of April. Remember that 10% of the profit made from our "Featured Items", which are labeled as such on Etsy, for April will go to this particular ministry. Please, help us help them.  Now, for the big reveal...

    Drum Roll (Don't forget to use your imagination at this point)

    Mission Arlington- Arlington,TX

    I can't wait to tell you guys more as we go through the month. We have to pace ourselves, folks. There is much to tell, but be patient, young grasshopper.

    As April progresses, we'll have details galore right here . So, be sure to check back. You can subscribe to have our posts sent directly to your email, or you can become a follower. We are also on Twitter   (@LadyBelles) and chillin' on Facebook here!

    Please take a minute to visit Mission Arlington's website and facebook fanpage, which can be found here and here.

    Enjoy your day!

    April Flowers,

    It's a Grand Day for an Opening

    Grand Opening!

    The day has finally arrived for Lady Belle's to take her place in the world wide web. It's been a long time coming. There have been numerous hang ups along the way, which is why we are super excited to start selling today. We are a wreath shop taking space on Etsy. You can find us here. Our goal is to sell wreaths that will add beauty to your homes, while simultaneously offering hope to someone else.

    How do we do that?

    We have a couple of little sections of our shop called, Featured Items and Featured Ministries. Each month we select a Featured Item  and Featured Ministry for our shop, 10% of the profit made on the Featured Item will be given to the Featured Ministry. Pretty cool, right? As our Featured Items sell, we will select a new Featured Item, but the Featured Ministry will stay the same throughout the month.

    You can learn more by reading our "About" section above or our Profile on the shop's web page.

    Be sure to stop by here often. This is where you will learn about the ministries we are supporting.


    Enjoy your day!

    April Showers,

    Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt 5.

    Hello, Friends!

    Today were one part five of our little adventure with Freedom Firm. This day is the one where we talk about how justice is served. One of my favorite Bible verses is Micah 6:8. In fact, it is the theme verse for Lady Belle's. It says, He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). These three things are underlying themes of my life, and the theme of justice is one I see in Freedom Firm's work, which makes me very excited.


    After the girls are rescued, the job is not yet finished. Justice must be served and human trafficking ended before Freedom Firm's job is done. Freedom Firm has lawyers that work on the behalf of the girls to see that their perpetrators are prosecuted. The girls testify against the men who held them captive, leading to greater healing (Justice).

    Ah it's such a beautiful thing!

    So, you know what I want you to do...Visit Freedom Firm to learn more. ;)

    Enjoy your day!

    May Showers,