Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Featured Ministry: Mission Arlington- Prt. 1

Happy April!

I hope you are excited about this new day. No worries, if you're not, I have enough excitement for both of us. Today, I have the privilege of introducing you to our "Featured Ministry" for the month of April. Remember that 10% of the profit made from our "Featured Items", which are labeled as such on Etsy, for April will go to this particular ministry. Please, help us help them.  Now, for the big reveal...

Drum Roll (Don't forget to use your imagination at this point)

Mission Arlington- Arlington,TX

I can't wait to tell you guys more as we go through the month. We have to pace ourselves, folks. There is much to tell, but be patient, young grasshopper.

As April progresses, we'll have details galore right here . So, be sure to check back. You can subscribe to have our posts sent directly to your email, or you can become a follower. We are also on Twitter   (@LadyBelles) and chillin' on Facebook here!

Please take a minute to visit Mission Arlington's website and facebook fanpage, which can be found here and here.

Enjoy your day!

April Flowers,


  1. Woot! Where'd you take your pictures at? Your nannie's house? Cause it's beautiful/Little House on the Prarie-esque.

  2. No, actually, it's at our place. There is an awesome little fence (for a vine to grow on) on our property. It's perfect. I love that it's Little House on the Prairie-esque. :)

  3. I agree...We love watching that show at my house...And my favorite weath is the 'Wild Flower' one. So pretty.
