Thursday, May 31, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 8

Well, we're wrapping it up with Freedom Firm, y'all. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know the heart of Freedom Firm. Today, I want to remind you guys that the ministries we feature here need our prayers and support. There are many ways to get involved in a local and international way.

Get Involved:

There's a tab for that. Freedom Firm would love your support of their work. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

- Pray
- Donate
- Volunteer
- Join the Freedom Firm Team
- Organize an Event
- Organize a Benefit Concert (Get Involved)

When you visit the Get Involved tab right here, you can click on each of the ways listed above to learn more. While you're there, you could also, if you like, subscribe to receive their Real Time Updates and I Witness emails. It's a great way to stay up to date with everything going on with Freedom Firm.

Well, now we say, "So long, May" and "Hello, June".

To Freedom Firm: Thank you for all you do!

Enjoy your day!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 7

Good Monday morning to you, Mates!

 A Movie? Yes IndeedHorse and Rider:

The film is called Horse and Rider. It features two women, Asha and Mangala, who were a part of Freedom Firm's aftercare program (Horse and Rider (About)). The clip above is a brief look into this inspiring film. I can't wait to see it!

The film is available for pre-order on the Horse and Rider website. Check 'em out!

Enjoy your day!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 6

Good morning, friends! We are more than half way through the month and the work week, which means May is flying by so fast that I can't keep up. Soon it will be June, but not yet. We are still celebrating the amazing things done by Freedom Firm. I hope that you have enjoyed following Freedom Firm this month. I'm crazy about the amazing things they do. You too?

Well then, let's keep this show going.

Horse Assisted Activities:

Sounds neat, right? Well, it is. Freedom Firm uses horses, through a program called Leg Up, to help the girls during their healing process post rescue. In their own words: Situated in the mountains of southern India, we take advantage of both the beauty of God’s creation and the unique social and emotional instincts of horses to provide opportunities for healing in a hands-on setting (Horse Assisted Activities).

What are these activities?

- Horsemanship
- Equine Rehabilitation
-Assistance with riding for children with disabilities (Horse Assisted Activities)

The horses give the girls an activity to focus on and grow through. If you want to learn more about Leg Up, go to here!

As always, feel free to mosey on over to Freedom Firm's Website.

Enjoy your day!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 5

Hello, Friends!

Today were one part five of our little adventure with Freedom Firm. This day is the one where we talk about how justice is served. One of my favorite Bible verses is Micah 6:8. In fact, it is the theme verse for Lady Belle's. It says, He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). These three things are underlying themes of my life, and the theme of justice is one I see in Freedom Firm's work, which makes me very excited.


After the girls are rescued, the job is not yet finished. Freedom Firm is not satisfied to simply remove the young girls. Justice must be served before Freedom Firm's job is done. They have lawyers that work on the behalf of the girls to see that their perpetrators are prosecuted. In court, the girls are able to testify against the men who held them captive, leading to greater healing.  Justice not only brings healing, but leads to the end of human trafficking. (Justice).

Ah it's such a beautiful thing!

So, you know what I want you to do...Visit Freedom Firm to learn more. ;)

Enjoy your day!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt 4

Good, Beautiful Morning!

We're already on Part 4, and we're going strong. I hope you are learning lots. Now, on to restoration!


Once a raid has been made successfully, restoration begins. First, the minor girl is placed with her government, while investigations continue, and she is monitored by social workers with Freedom Firm. The young girl's, mental, physical, and emotional needs are met by social workers, as they work to help the girls heal toward a sense of self-worth and identity. The goal is to help the girls become self-reliant and restored to health (Restoration).

Freedom Firm has an eighteen month program for the young girls, who have been rescued, to help them with the healing process. Again, the goal is to health the women to become self-reliant. Part of that process is giving the girls the tools they need to take care of themselves and to live healthy lives after such traumatic circumstances.

Amazing, right?

Check out their site: Freedom Firm. Seriously!

Enjoy your day!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 3

There are 500,000 women that need rescuing (The Need) in India. We saw that last time. Sad, right? Well, that's why organizations like Freedom Firm exists, to fight the evil that is sex trafficking. Their persistence, determination, and faith keeps Freedom Firm in forward motion on the field. I love them for it, and I hope we can send them a nice donation at the end of the month. *hint hint*


Freedom Firm has a wonderful team of investigators. These investigators use their skills (and hidden cameras) to scope out the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka, both of which are sex trafficking hot spots. Once pimps, minors, and brothels have been located, the Freedom Firm team along with local police make a raid and rescue the young girls. After a raid is made, some girls are transported to a safe house, but we'll talk about that a little later (Rescue). If you have are a Facebook fan, you probably saw last week's status about a raid that was instigated and a rescue that was made. Pretty great stuff. We will keep posting "missions accomplished" as they happen all month

Check 'em out: Freedom Firm!

Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 2

Good Afternoon! We are on our Part two of Freedom Firm's installments on the blog. This is exciting stuff, folks, but I want you to be aware that this is hard. As you can see from their website, there is a need for restoration and healing in the hearts of India's women. Let's jump in and learn everything we can about this amazing organization.

The Need:

Currently, there are an estimated 500,000 minor girls in forced prostitution in India. These girls are tricked by false promises of a good job or sold by a relative into a brothel and then held as sexual slaves, who are then coerced into sex with many clients each day (The Need).

Do not overlook that number- 500,000 girls. It's sick, sick fact, but Freedom Firm is doing a beautiful job of fighting for these girls. Freedom Firm will tell you that the girls need rescuing, supporting, counseling, educating, and training (The Need). As the month progresses, you will learn how Freedom Firm meets each of the needs, and how we can get involved.

Next time we will talk about the rescue.

Let's celebrate the amazing work Freedom Firm does every day. You can do that by visiting their website this week.

Enjoy your day!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Featured Ministry: Freedom Firm- Prt. 1

Happy May!

I hope you are having a great start to a new month. New months and years are my favorite. I love the "newness" of it all. New weeks are a different story. There is something about Mondays that makes me want to sleep a little later, but I'm trying to learn to embrace the inevitable "Monday". Now, enough with the rambling. It's announcement time! Remember that 10% of the profit made from our "Featured Items", which are labled as such on Etsy, for April will go to this particular ministry. Please, help us help them.We have a new Featured Ministry for you to get excited about. Without further adieu, our Featured Ministry for May is...

wait for it...

Freedom Firm

Oh how I love Freedom Firm, and I know you will share my love for them as you learn more this month. They are an organization that fights for the freedom of ladies trapped as sexual slaves in India. They are wonderful, and I can't wait to tell you all about them.

Remember check back often to stay up to date. You can follow us here or by email. As with each Featured Ministry, we encourage you to visit Freedom Firm on your own time. You know, do a little exploring.

Enjoy your day!


He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)